Matt Scheafer
Orange County California
Genre(s): Punk / Folk Punk / Hip Hop / Reggae
Life Soundtrack: OWTH, Frank Turner, Amigo the Devil
Matt is an Orange County native, loving husband, proud father of 4, successful business owner for over 20 years, actively involved in his community and Co-Founder of Fifth Day Records. But what do you have when you peel all of these layers away? You have a Native son of Southern California who stemmed from the roots of the Punk Rock scene. The world of punk and folk punk gave Matt a place he calls home, a sense of belonging and a place of creative expression. At an early age music and the punk scene were his drive and still is but on a different level. His experience has led him to design and provide merchandise for many bands and businesses that rely on quality and impact.
Now Matt looks to give back to the scene that made him who he is, his goal is to bring the best in music to the scene and give bands new and old the highest level of support, guidance and opportunity they need to be successful contributors to the scene he calls home. Mainly to give these bands the opportunity to perform live, Matt sees that live music is all about the experience and that is the biggest influence a band can have on someone. So when everyone sees Matt as a husband, dad, community supporter and business owner we at Fifth Day Records see him as our resident vegan, horror aesthetic fan, design guru, punk aficionado and the safety pins on the vest of Fifth Day Records.

Tim Vest
L.A. County
Genre(s): Punk, Rockabilly/Psychobilly, Hip Hop
Life Soundtrack: Any album from Off With Their Heads
It’s amazing how an image can have such a huge impact on someone. The image, the zombie with the full set of hair pomped. The band, The Cramps. The kid, Tim Vest. L.A. County is where Tim ran around, from show to show and scene to scene. Tim was in the mix of all that is the LA Punk, Rockabilly/Psychobilly and Hip Hop scene. Like any young kid from the LA area Tim was surrounded by diversity of music, different cultures and the bad and ugly of the LA lifestyle. Gravitating to these scenes gave Tim the exposure to the music that molded him as the lover and collector of all things music, promoter of music and shows and the creator of recording studios for some of the biggest artists of today.
As a co-founder of Fifth Day Records, Tim’s goal is to develop new and younger up and coming bands as well as give exposure and future development of older bands. This goal stems from his upbringing in the punk scene, when everyone saw it as a rowdy environment he saw it as a tight knit family. Tim wants to continue contributing to all music scenes by getting the music that had a heavy impact on him to the public and keep it going. He believes everyone needs a fair shot and Fifth Day Records is that mosh pit of opportunity. Tims mix of diversity, his upbringing in multi cultures, his desire to give opportunity and his values as a family man with 2 kids proves that he is all of the patches on the vest of Fifth Day Records.

David "Lechero" Diaz
South Central Los Angeles California
Genre(s): Damn Near Everything
Life Soundtrack: The Rollins Band: End of silence.
Born and raised in South Central Los Angeles David Diaz had a diverse introduction into LA music in the 80s & 90s in an eclectic and strange place, it was all things that makes you odd and actually accepting. He traveled from East LA for school to West LA for work. David diversified in college and took classes in multiple institutions including East LA community college, Hawaii State University and University of Honolulu while enlisted in the USMC. After leaving the Marine Corps with an honorable discharge he continued to work in diverse fields such as marketing, sales, collection, photography, business development and started a business as a landscaper for a greater part of Los Angeles even starting a campaign called “Beautify LA” to clean up communities and homes in need. Today David is involved in local community outreach programs that target feeding people in need and provide funds for families devastated by Covid.
He joined the Fifth Day Records family to become the creative, social media coordinator to help gain a following and bring in talent as family. Working hard along side every artist to ensure their vision is reached and finding creative and smart salutations for each individual that is part of the Fifth Day Records family. David is the Bullhorn, the loud announcement, the siren call, the blaring boom that deafens. He’s the attention getter.

Chrissy "Band Mom" Lufft
South Central Los Angeles California
Life Soundtrack:
Coming Soon!